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10 ways to Keep Cricket Going during Covid pandemic

Writer's picture: Matt DawsonMatt Dawson

It’s a strange old time around the globe at the moment, and while people’s health, well-being and livelihoods are paramount, we’re gonna do what we can to keep the Cricket buzz going....

When we get to play outside our homes again we want to see the game as strong as ever so lets all help #keepcricketgoing.

** whatever you decide to do make sure it adheres to the government guidelines**

1. Keep training and playing- The old ball on a string is great for solo training, you can bowl at targets in the back garden, throw a ball at a wall and catch it. Be inventive but just keep hitting, bowling, throwing and catching balls. We're posting some videos over on our YouTube channel to help inspire you.

2. Help your club- If you can why not get down to your local club and cut the grass, paint the fence or plant some flowers. Lets be ready for the bestest shortest season ever!

3. Learn the rules- No need to appeal for everything, jump online and study the MCC rules. then you can amaze (bore) your team mates when the season eventually starts...

4. Get Fit- Don’t have time is the favourite excuse for not doing that extra fitness, now you have plenty of time so do something! Something like our 'do it at home' online Cricket fitness program

5. Social Media- Get admin rights to your clubs social media and post a load of old club photos or just keep sharing other content out there... Just help #keepcricketgoing locally to you. Tag us in @cricketasylum and use hashtag #keepCricketgoing

6. Plan a match or a tour- How many clubs say ‘we should do a pre-season tour!’ and then it never happens. Start planning now for a special 2021 pre-season tour or setup a challenge or charity match for when we're allowed to play again.

7. Buy some new gear- Get that new bat or pair of gloves you've been thinking about, it'll keep you keen for the season and help keep the retailers going during this time too! Nothing to do with us but you can get a bargain on Payntr Cricket shoes here.

8. Pay them back- There will be people who've helped run your club for years who cant get out and about due to the covid-19 situation. Get in touch and offer to do their shopping or something. They've done enough for you and your club over the years...

9. Make a vow- Now is a great time to reflect, make a vow that will #keepCricketgoing in the long term. Join your clubs committee, become an umpire and do something that will put back into the game

10. Think of your own- ok so we've run out of ideas. Now post your own and tag us in @cricketasylum using hashtag #keepcricketgoing

stay safe everyone and keep following government advice to help this go away and protect your Doctors and Nurses....



Kenna Morgan
Kenna Morgan
Sep 27, 2024

It’s great to see cricket still going strong during this pandemic! Staying active with solo training keeps the buzz alive. Similarly, for my studies, I’ve been using resources that take my French class online. With so many tools available, it's possible to keep learning and playing while staying safe during COVID.


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